Langston's Ant
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Performs a simulation of Langston's Ant
There are no borders, the map wraps edge to edge. Define statements have a 11x11 grid and 10 steps. The ANT always starts at, or near, the center. The ant defaults being oriented towards north as an initial condition.
gcc -o Ant Ant.c
1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #define X 11
3 #define Y 11
4 #define S 240
6 void main(void)
7 {
8 char world[X][Y];
9 unsigned short x, y, c, d, h, s;
10 //init
11 x=X/2; y=Y/2; h=3;
12 for(c=0;c<Y;c++)
13 {
14 for(d=0;d<X;d++)
15 {
16 world[d][c] = '.';
17 }
18 }
20 //loop
21 for(s=0;s<S;s++)
22 {
23 //print current state
24 printf("S=%d\n\n",s+1);
25 printf("%c", '/');
26 for(c=0;c<X;c++)
27 {
28 printf("%c", '-');
29 }
30 printf("%c\n", '\\');
31 for(c=0;c<Y;c++)
32 {
33 printf("%c", '|');
34 for(d=0;d<X;d++)
35 {
36 if(d==x && c==y)
37 printf("A");
38 else
39 printf("%c",world[d][c]);
40 }
41 printf("%c\n", '|');
42 }
43 printf("%c", '\\');
44 for(c=0;c<X;c++)
45 {
46 printf("%c", '-');
47 }
48 printf("/\n\n");
49 //turn logic
50 if(world[x][y]=='.')
51 {
52 h++; //CW
53 h = h % 4;
54 world[x][y]='*';
55 }
56 else
57 {
58 h--; //CCW
59 h= h % 4;
60 world[x][y]='.';
61 }
62 //move forward
63 if(h==0)
64 {if(y==0) y=Y-1; else y--;}
65 if(h==2)
66 {if(y==Y-1) y=0; else y++;}
67 if(h==1)
68 {if(x==X-1) x=0; else x++;}
69 if(h==3)
70 {if(x==0) x=X-1; else x--;}
71 }
73 //terminate
74 printf("\nEOS \n");
75 return;
76 }